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Introduction to Technology

Students study technological resources through problem-solving processes and various hands-on activities. They relate the impact of technology on society, environment, and culture to future consequences and decisions.


Computative Analytics

Critical thinking is a higher-order cognitive skill that is indispensable to students, readying them to respond to a variety of complex problems that are sure to arise in their personal and professional lives. The  cognitive skills at the foundation of critical thinking are  analysis, interpretation, evaluation, explanation, inference, and self-regulation. 

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Systems Management

This is an applied course in information systems concepts and techniques used in today's competitive environment. Topics will include the concepts of enterprise information systems, use of information systems to achieve strategic goals and to gain competitive advantages, the impacts of information systems on business process reengineering and management, managerial issues in developing information systems, IS project management, and other contemporary IS technologies.

Hardware/Software Support

This course covers the basic hardware of a personal computer, including installation, operations and interactions with software. Topics include component identification, memory-system, peripheral installation and configuration, preventive maintenance, hardware diagnostics/repair, installation and optimization of system software, commercial programs, system configuration, and device-drivers. Upon completion, students should be able to select appropriate computer equipment and software, upgrade/maintain existing equipment and software, and troubleshoot/repair non-functioning personal computers.

Security Ethics

The learning outcome is students shall be able to understand what are the common threats faced today, what are the foundational theory behind information security, what are the basic principles and techniques when designing a secure system, how to think adversarially, how today's attacks and defenses work in practice, how to assess threats for their significance, and how to gauge the protections and limitations provided by today's technology

Drone Aviation

SkyOp is the only drone education program that prepares students for real-world drone operation and entry into the workforce. Your students will learn how to fly, how to understand the technology, how to collect data, and how to land high-value, in-demand jobs with their new skills.